Associated Students President-elect for 2013/2014 is Josh Morse – a campus leader, champion surfer, recognized scholar, and Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity member. He is also a former homeless child and runaway.
The 2nd Annual These Hands Don’t Hurt Violence Awareness & Prevention Fair takes place at SDSU on April 16. Student orgs urged to participate, but you need to RSVP by March 31!
These Hands Don’t Hurt” violence awareness and prevention is held at San Diego State University every April during National Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Learn more.
Over the past 13 years, Dr. James R. Kitchen has led the Division of Student Affairs and the university to dramatic increases in student success and retention.
In all his endeavors, he has earned the deep respect and admiration of colleagues at SDSU and across the country. [more]
Several SDSU students are interns with a new movement that has one simple mission: to inspire daily compassionate action. Compassion It bracelets remind wearers to perform an act of compassionate each and every day.
When you buy a bracelet, you get an extra: one to give away. And that's your first compassionate act! Compassion It is a home grown San Diego pending non-profit. Organizations are using the bracelets as fundraisers, and SDSU students are helping the movement to spread! Learn more.
SDSU students elected a new group of executives and representatives in the Associated Students elections, held mid-March.
A.S. executives, who will be sworn in during the A.S. Council May 1 include Josh Morse, President; Becca Cohen, Executive VP; Javier Gomez, VP of External Affairs; Mariah Kelly, VP of Financial Affairs; and Morgan Chan, VP of University Affairs.
San Diego Opera is offering special ticket pricing for students for “Murder in the Cathedral.”
Politics, intrigue, temptation and murder abound in the story of the English saint, Thomas Becket, and his martyrdom at the hands of the henchmen of King Henry II in 1170.
This year the “Quest for the Best” Award celebrates its 27th anniversary at SDSU.
In addition to honoring student leaders, “Quest for the Best” also recognizes student-nominated faculty and staff members for their dedication, mentorship, and genuine concern for the success of their students.
The National Day of Silence is a day of action! Students across the country vow to take a form of silence to call attention to anti-LGBT bullying and harassment in schools. SDSU will participate!
Each year the Office of Intercultural Relations invites students, faculty, staff, and the community to explore the complex issues surrounding diversity in today’s world, at our annual Multicultural Conference.
The 2013 conference, The Road to Cultural Competency: What Road Are You On?, is scheduled for Friday, April 26 - Saturday, April 27. Don't miss it!
Aztec Student Union is steadily moving towards its next construction milestone – “dry in” – which refers to making a building waterproof by enclosing the walls, roof, windows and doors. You can stay up to date on construction progress, and learn about the new state-of-the-art building and all it will house [more].