March 2013 - Fulbright Grant

Apply for a Fulbright to Study Abroad

Would you like to live and study, conduct research or teach English in another country for an academic year?

The U.S. Student Fulbright Grant Program for 2014-2015 will send about 1,700 students to one of 150 countries.

Who can apply

  • Undergraduates may apply as long as your undergraduate degree will be completed by August 2014.
  • Graduate students at any level may apply.
  • Recent alumni (graduated within the last 3 years) may also apply.
Fulbright student abroad with friend

How and when to apply

To apply, visit SDSU applications will be due in late September 23, 2013 for Fulbright grants that begin in August 2014. See for information about countries and requirements.

A wonderful opportunity

Fulbright grants pay for travel and a living stipend. They offer you a wonderful opportunity to experience another culture, and to contribute to cross-national understanding. Because these are prestigious national grants, they add to your resume, and can serve as a great bridge between college and a career or graduate school.

Scheduled information sessions

Spring 2013 Student Fulbright information sessions will be held at SDSU on:

  • Thursday, March 21, 2013
  • Monday, April 8, 2013
  • Tuesday, April 23, 2013
  • Wednesday, May 15, 2013

All Fulbright Information Sessions will be held in Love Library 430 from 3 to 4:30 p.m.

For more information

Want to know more? Email SDSU Fulbright Adviser Dr. Pat Huckle at [email protected], or visit the SDSU Fulbright website.

Fulbright: US Student Program