@State Jan2015 - 7Resolutions

I Resolve… Seven Suggestions To Help You Keep Those Resolutions

quadrants with girls at gym, shake smart shake, student in class and i RESOLVE

New Year's resolutions —  some people make them and some people hate them. Well, if you made some resolutions to start off 2015, this list might have some suggestions to help you keep to those goals. If you didn't make resolutions, this list might give you ideas to help make 2015 your best year ever!

  1. I resolve to get ready for my career: Is your resume a hot mess? Does the thought of going on a job interview make you break out in hives? Do you think you might have chosen the wrong major for your talents? Could your career planning use a boost from an internship?  Career Services can help with all of these things! Make an appointment for some career counseling, visit the Career Resource Room to check out materials and online assessments, attend a workshop or prepare for the next career fair. The Spring Career and Internship Fair is February 19 in Montezuma Hall.

  2. I resolve to find ways to connect with people and make a difference: Did you know that the eight colleges at SDSU each have a college council?  Have you ever checked out the list of boards, committees and commissions in Associated Students? Did you pick up a new interest or hobby last year and want to meet people with that same interest? All of these great opportunities to lead are capped off by the more than 300 student organizations on campus that can also be your avenue to new friendships and meaningful experiences.

  3. I resolve to make healthier choices: Are you seeking information on how to make healthy eating choices? Need to find a new type of workout? Check out the new Health Promotion department website for information on how to attend a workshop or schedule a presentation for your class or student group on a variety of topics including nutrition, sexual health, alcohol and other drugs and much more.

  4. I resolve to learn about the world and its cultures: Did you tell yourself this is the year you'll study abroad? If yes, visit the Study Abroad Fair on February 3 from 10 am to 3 pm on Centennial Walkway and explore the options that await you. If you have a country in mind, check out the Aztecs Abroad database for programs that fit your needs and then attend an information session at the International Student Center.

  5. I resolve to get better grades: Were your grades lower than you wanted them to be last semester? Are you hoping 2015 is the year you boost that GPA? Take a look at some of the writing helpmath tutoring and other support services available to help you achieve academic success. If you live on campus, visit a STAR Center. If you landed on academic probation, consider enrolling in the Bounce Back program.

  6. I resolve to find more ways to relax: Is everything feeling like a bit too much? Do you need someone to talk to about an issue that is really bothering you? SDSU Counseling and Psychological Services offers counselingworkshops and even a Center for Well-Being with seven stations to help you relax.

  7. I resolve to exercise more: Could your fitness use a boost? If your normal circuit at the ARC has you in a rut, try out one of their group fitness classes, maybe join a sport club team or sign up for a class at the Mission Bay Aquatics Center.