@State Dec. 2015 Featured Scholarships

Featured Scholarship – Carl D. Folsom Alumni Scholarship

Scholarship season is in full swing! Whether you’re an undeclared freshman, or a graduate anthropology student, there are some amazing opportunities to earn money for school through the SDSU Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. Check out @State each month—and the SDSU’s Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships online database—for the latest scholarship opportunities for SDSU students! It’s free, it’s easy, and it’s online!

Carl D. Folsom Alumni Scholarship

  • Award: Multiple awards, up to $1,000
  • Open to all majors
  • February 12, 2016 application deadline

Scholarship details:

To qualify, applicants must

  • Have a minimum 3.00 overall cumulative GPA
  • Be an enrolled full-time undergraduate student
  • Submit a resume
  • Submit at least one recommendation letter
  • Submit unofficial transcript
  • Submit an essay of approximately 500 words describing your history, aspirations, career goals, and your service and commitment to student alumni-centric groups including Aztec Ambassadors, Aztec Pride, Student Engagement Officers, and Associated Students Board or their equivalents.