Aug/Sept 2013 - Aztec Action Network

Aztec Action Network Legislative Update

The signing of the state of California’s budget this summer brought welcome news for the CSU and San Diego State University.  The CSU system saw a 5 percent increase to its state funding, equal to $125 million in funding.

CSU Chancellor Timothy White and SDSU President Elliot Hirshman both expressed their gratitude for this critical support. Chancellor White stated, "This budget officially begins the state’s reinvestment in higher education and the California State University. This wise choice by the Governor and legislature will further aid California’s economic recovery.”

President Hirshman added, “Support from the state of California is critical to our ability to carry out our educational, research and service missions. We appreciate the support of our elected representatives, especially our stalwart supporters from the San Diego region.”

In addition, this summer, the Campaign for SDSU surpassed $411 million. This campaign, combined with the pursuit of other financial strategies, will provide additional revenue that is crucial to SDSU’s long term success.